Sunday, August 29, 2010

What is media?

      In my classroom I would love to use the smartboard. ( I find it fascinating to be able to incorporate a lesson by writing on the board questions/answers and then watching a video on the same lesson for a visual effect. I also like the idea of blogging in the classroom. So many students forget homework, study guides etc. If I were to post important things such as these, a student would have access from home or library to their forgotten material. Parents can also keep up to date with classroom happenings! Some schools even use cell phones in the classroom. (Trotter)  Those that do not have computer access for each student can use cell phones to access the internet to do research, take notes, organize schedules, etc. I also worked in a Special Education classroom where the students used the Wii to help develop hand eye coordination. This also allowed autistic students to play bowling, play baseball etc. because many  cant be around large groups of people.

     In each of the media ideas used in my classroom would depend on the grade and lesson being taught if it would be beneficial or not. For example, using the smartboard would work for all age groups even they couldn' read or write. And video would enhance the learning/understanding for all ages as well. The blogging on the other hand would not be as beneficial to the younger age students who are not able to read/write. The same goes for the cell phone usage. All of these things would need to be considered before incorporating these types of technology into the daily lesson.

     I look forward to experimenting with the new generation of technology. It's exciting knowing there are so many new ways of teaching using more of a hands on basis rather then the traditional methods we are most accustomed to.


Trotter, A. (2009). Students Turn Their Cellphones On for Classroom Lessons. Education Week, 28(16), 10-11. Retrieved from Teacher Reference Center database. (accessed 8/29/2010)

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